Start a microCHALLENGE today
Within Alongsiders we use challenges. Challenges are instructions or commands that Jesus gave that we put into practice in our own life. Super cool and in proves a booster for growth. Our aim is to be changed into the likeness of Jesus more and more right? One challenge lasts about 1 month and our aim is to go deep.
microCHALLENGES are different. They are commands as well that are directly related to Jesus teaching for His disciples, but they are lot more compact and shorter. It is a challenge presented in a video that you work on during that day or week. No training needed, no registration, ACTION oriented.
microCHALLENGES are a stepping stone to the full challenges if you like but they can also be used separately. And because they are video based you can share them with your friends easily. We challenge you - who do you challenge?