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Life & Death


Is is Autumn 2020. The worst flooding in about 15 years hits Cambodia. The harvest is destroyed, houses and roads damaged and many people drown. Noeng - a Cambodian Alongsider - sees his friend being taken away by the water. He knows that his friend cannot swim and thus he quickly jumps in the water too. They both are taken away and Noeng helps his friend stay above the water. Others come to help and quickly pick one up. They continue to look for Noeng too and a little while later he is found. Dead. He couldn’t swim either. He drowned. Noeng gave his life to save his friends life.

Life and death.

In this microCHALLENGE we share this true-story with you to become part of it, and ask you the question: “Where do you live for?”. For what or who are you willing to lay down your life? For who can you be a ‘Noeng’? Maybe like Noeng in dying for someone, maybe different. But who do you reach out to? We challenge you today and the coming days to pray this prayer: “who Lord should I reach out to?” Noeng is a beautiful example of this and mirrors His Lord Jesus.

Challenge accepted?


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