Check out these tools. We've made these for you to help you in your Alongsiders journey, and take the next step. Wether that is a reading plan or a challenge - we've got you covered.
Inspiration for you!
Who inspires you when it comes to discipleship? Learning together, discovering, enjoying, getting out and, most of all, hanging out together.
Our reading plans help you grow
We have a series of reading plans that will help you - as a disciple of Jesus - grow. Different topics but all relevant when it comes to following Jesus.
Reading plans are a great stepping stone to the online training. Because what you learn through the reading plans you may of course pass on. Who knows, you may soon be walking "alongside" someone and sharing what you've learned there.
The D-Trail - Discipleship in your church/faith community
What comes after Alpha? What can you do with your teens and young adults? How can you help them grow in their faith? How can you learn to follow Jesus better together? How do I make sure they pass on what they receive to someone else? Are these questions you ask yourself as a youth worker? So are we! And we want to help you.
Especially for you we have developed the D-Trail. A great program that you can do after the Alpha course, for example. Your youth have come to know Jesus - and now as disciples we challenge them to follow Jesus. That's discipleship. That's the D-Trail.

Alongsiders (Europe) works with challenges. Challenges are assignments that you - together with your young brother or sister - carry out. All these assignments come directly from Jesus and what He tells us in the Bible. We want to do what the Master says, right?
The challenges are divided into several series. Each challenge lasts about a month and consists of challenging assignments, reflections, instructions, videos, Bible texts and more.
We take you along behind the Lord Jesus, so that together we can follow Him and learn from Him. Will you join us?