Hey there 👋🏻
Good to have you here - so cool you found us.
Hopefully you enjoyed the discipleship course 'Walk with Jesus. Let' introduce ourselves shortly. We're Alongsiders and we're all about youth and discipleship, making disciples and helping you on your discipleship journey.
Read on and discover how we help you grow in discipleship.
Online training
At Alongsiders we believe that discipleship should be lived out. We're people of 'flesh and blood' and discipleship should be so too - relational and lived out in community. This is the way Jesus did it and this is also what Jesus commanded us to do as well. Do you want to be a disciple-maker just like Jesus did, and just like many others around the world?
You have come to the right place. We've created an online training that will help you get to actually making disciples. The training is online and we're ready to go if you are..
When you've become an Alongsider the Alongsiders APP and all the challenges are waiting for you. Welcome to the family!
Are you in for some adventure?
We believe that most learning is done while stepping out - practicing it, not in class-rooms and books. This is why Jesus invited His disciples to go with Him and hit the road. And this is why we invite you to do the same and start a microCHALLENGE today.
A microCHALLENGE is a video-challenge that helps you step out and do something Jesus did with His disciples as well. Blessing for example, or eating with others, or growing, or ... find out more for yourself.
Love reading the Bible?
We too! There is so much to discover - learn - enjoy - treasure. We love it.
For that reason we've made some great reading plans. These plans cover a range of discipleship topics and we will add some over time. Our reading plans are hosted in the YouVersion Bible app. Check it out and enjoy!