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Be WISE - Inspirational - one of our values

It is important that Alongsiders are motivated by love and inspired (literally: filled by the Spirit of Christ) rather than by money or the promise of rewards or, more worryingly, shame, guilt or obligation. For this reason, we do not directly or indirectly pay or subsidise Alongsiders.Orphans and vulnerable children desperately need love, and unconditional love cannot be bought, sold or generated, but must be chosen. The leadership of Alongsiders prays that God moves among the young people, tal...

August 25, 2021

Be WISE - Empowering - one of our values

“When we do for those in need what they have the capacity to do for themselves, we disempower them.” - Robert Lupton. ...

August 25, 2021

Be WISE - Scalabe - one of our values

Alongsiders' vision is to see Alongsider movements grow around the world, starting with a few groups in each country, and then growing to hundreds or even thousands of Alongsiders who choose to follow Jesus by lovingly walking alongside vulnerable children. Such a movement cannot be made, because it is driven by relationships. But by training local partners to mobilise alongside in a relational way, the movement is scalable....

August 25, 2021

Be WISE - Wholistic - one of our values

The Alongsider movement desires to see vulnerable children restored and transformed socially, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually so that they can live as whole human beings. This transformation and restoration will affect relationships within families and the place where they live, as well as the systems and structures around those relationships. Any discipleship movement that deals with restoration must pay attention to conflicts between parents or neighbours, the inability of a ...

August 25, 2021


I just received this message from one of the first Alongsiders in Europe: “My time with John is good, I enjoy the time that we spent together very muchand so does John. This is special for John, since he is not used to this. His mother was a little hesitant at first. Saying “you know, I give him enough attention already, et cetera”. But now she has heard from John himself howvaluable our times together are and she is com...

January 16, 2020


That's wisdom from a 17 year old Alongsider in rural Cambodia. Her name is Matha. Her chosen little sister, Esara, is nine, and we're sitting together in the shade of a wooden home. Matha is not desperately poor, I suppose, because she arrived at our meeting on a small motocycle. But it's safe to say she doesn't have much to offer Esara in the way of money or material resources. Fortunately, this sets Matha free to look beyond what she can provide in order to see the res...

December 3, 2019


The Alongsiders discipleship movement in Cambodia has been growing for more than 12 years. During that time we have learnt a number of lessons about what it takes to grow and sustain such a movement. One of the earliest leaders in the movement, Serey Choeng, has embodied many of those lessons in her own journey. So, let's examine her life growing up in a Phnom Penh slum community and from there, share some lessons learned along the way....

October 24, 2019


The Alongsiders movement is growing.  The leaders are young people aged 16-30 who love Jesus and have a heart for their vulnerable neighbours. They're making a difference in their local churches and communities. They are passionate. They are loving. And they deeply care about the children with whom they are walking alongside. They want them to be loved and cared for, and they want them to know the love of God. I am so inspired by these young Alongsiders, and I want to introduce some of them...

October 1, 2019


THE SUNDAY SCHOOL MOVEMENT TRANSFORMED THE LIVES OF POOR KIDS. IT'S TIME FOR ANOTHER MOVEMENT...Sunday Schools were not always a thing. The very first Sunday Schools were established in England in 1780 to reach out to poor, illiterate children working under brutal conditions in factories. These classes taught basic reading and writing, as well as Biblical principles. Millions of children were reached....

September 2, 2019 Posts 26-34 of 34 | Page prev

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